Friday, November 21, 2014 2:42 PM

So here I am, writing on this blog again despite no one reading. 
Hey, I refer this as my inspiration time to time. 

Anyway, something did happened on the last two days.

Innocently, I am accused of causing distress to some people making these people really uncomfortable and developing the thought of tendering from their positions. And instead of bringing these issues to their superiors, they have prefer the HR instead.

So... in case you are wondering, of course I was "counselled" by the department head.

And apparently, there was an accusation of me going around 'bad-mouthing' people. One thing to clarify and testify by my own superior: For the past six months, i have been so busy at my cubicle that the only person i even managed to gossip with is my own superior. 

So either my superior is the one who went around spreading the said rumour or someone bugged my work area to eavesdrop.

Regardless, I am going to forgive (not forgetting) these people.

Whatever you do, only makes me want to be stronger and learn to practice endurance.

 Life is like that. We can never be perfect and whatever we said or do, some people may perceive it another way even if we never mean it negatively.

One important lesson I have learnt here was I do have emotions (not a cold hearted bitch as what some people used to call me back in my travel days). And they are pretty 'rich' as far as I realised. Hahahaa...

Back to talking rubbish time...

my motto is to learn from the phoenix. 浴火而生.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:45 PM

I think I'm going crazy....

Reason? My hands are demanding to see blood!! Okay, not literally but you my drift.

So here's goes, our dear AS as mentioned in the post previously is within target range and nothing desire me more to get a shotgun and send some bullets over.

See... the problem lies that her existence irritated me to no end.

Okay, I think I am just being paranoid. Still....

*Mental thought: you just wrote how to endure on your last post... please read...*

Hmmm... to make myself happier, let's explore something else today or my mind will be filling with tons of negative thoughts that will just make me commit crimes.

So... let's take about the most desirable honeymoon places I will like to go if I ever get married. Talking about that, on of my old uni-mates whatsapp last night. Funny it's been so long again since she messaged me... So when you need assistance, you will check through your phone list. Hahaha...

Anyway, she asked me whether I am interested to go for a "Singles' KTV" session organised by her. Interesting but kinda feel I am labelled as a 'single' after so many years... Maybe I am attached leh... (not the truth but you cannot assume) 

I am so going off track now... Hahaha...

So here goes my list:

1) Spain

Not the first choice for most couples however what attracted me the most are the incredible buildings in this country and its rich culture. One thing to note. I am not a big fan of Spanish cuisines. Tried and found them okay only. Still the architectures make up for everything else. 

2) Greece

I am head over heels in love with the architectures in this country!! Just see Santorini and it explain everything! But again, the food... errmmm.. perhaps I just prepare tons of nissin noodles... Anyway, the myth of this country is also something I find fascinating and interested to learn more.

3) Switzerland

Was in this country in Feb 2014, Winter, and once again, found myself falling in love with the picturesque scenarios and FOOD!!! I don't even know I am a fan of Fondue and rossittos!  So gonna get back to this country again one find day to explore some parts (or rather most parts) yet to be discovered

4) Japan

Despite how many times I flew to this country and explore in different seasons, there's no reason not to repeat over and over again. Note that I still yet to go over to the north-est portion of this country and it will be somewhere I am so planning to go. And... I am a big fan of Japanese food!! (Nothing exotic please.)

5) Korea

I AM SO NOT A K-POP FAN! Again, I like the culture in this country and do not mind to revisit. (It's less costly compared to Japan) Further, the food are nice and super healthy. Not forgetting the beauty products from the various companies at incredible prices!!

6) Taiwan

Nothing unfamiliar and somewhere not too expensive. Taiwan offers nice scenarios and great food experiences. Talking about this... I am missing the train bento already!! Well can you get such combination with such a low price? Only in Taiwan! Haha... 

7) Italy

I dunno why, but this country has a charm that makes me want to revisit again. Haha... Perhaps, the "Autogrill" plays a huge part? On top of that, this is one of the countries with rich history and really old architectures... And not forgetting a visit to Venice.. (before it sinks... )

8) England + Scotland

Do I need to say more? These countries (or is it country?) with the picturesque sites and long history is somewhere I just have to go some day. 

9) Boracay

Nothing beats an incredible beach destination with a good villa stay. Romantic? For sure! Cost? Don't bother, just go and enjoy. Nothing beats a holiday for you and your love one!

10) France

I am debating whether this is a good destination for honeymooners yet one thing for sure... Paris holds the key to MY heart! Yes, Paris is really beautiful with a mix of modern and historical. Only problem I have with this city is the blackies. i am so sorry for being rude however I was nearly scared out of my wit by them. So again, somewhere to consider carefully before making a decision to go ahead.

Pardon my inproper english as I mentioned, i am ranting and not thinking much since I am putting all my effort to endure AS.

So once again, AS is (yes, at the moment) holding the center stage and shooting sentences that you need to have patient not to roll your eyes.

TATA for now.

Monday, November 17, 2014 6:17 PM

The happiest moment in the office is when a said person aka AS (the label Rainbow had given to this person months back) is not within range.

The air is fresher, cleaner and breathable.

So now, what's there for me to write?

At times, I do read my old post to reflect and ponder what I had written before and think through what are the changes I had made or mistakes I learnt.

Today, after thinking for months, I am going to put down my thoughts on how to handle people like AS, so months later, when I look back here, I can motivate myself better.

1) Let them have the center "stage"

People similar to As are, in other word, desperate to be the center of attraction. It is a desire that may have developed since young age. DO NOT fight with them the "stage" and possible, play (act) as a good listening year even if you preferred to do something else better.

2) Avoid Conflicts

Learn to step back and not get into ugly situations. The term 'ugly' refer as the time where the other party is so defensive and it is almost impossible to talk any senses into them. Actually, most of the time, they never see their fault. So, avoid at all cost. 

3) Do not take credits

This portion is similar to pointer one. However, if you happened to be involved with the other party on any projects. DO REMEMBER to not take the credits. Although, at times, you may find yourself not given any credits as again, the center "stage" symptom. However, towards the end, they will ensure your credits are highlighted and known. Just not during the process. 

4) Endure the negative vibes

I know, we are all working adults and yes, no one should be showing or giving away any negative vibes to anyone. However, we are all guilty for committing the same mistake. So, give it a break and let these people sulk all they want and not take into offence.

5) Their events are much more important than yours

Okay, I was debating whether I should mention this here. But it seems to be the case.
As much as your events (if you are doing events) are important, apparently, you should not be voicing out and need to keep it quiet or you will be known as very boastful. Yet, they are allow to boast their events all they want and you are not allow to show displeasure. 

This situation goes back to pointer two - Avoid Conflicts

6) Their problems are problems. Yours are easily solved issues, Nothing to scream.

This is something I learnt for months. Apparently (again), my problems are nothing compared to theirs and I should be 'hush hush'. So when any similar cases occur for them, man... the world are falling apart and you should be sympathetic and not show any sign of happiness in front of them as that means you are gloating over their problems.

So, this goes back to pointer four. ==

7) Be attentive!

Similar to pointer one. Be attentive when they decided to share something. I know, it is going to be really boring for you but if you choose to ignore and continue to do some other stuffs. Beware of any consequences. They kinda make sure you hear no end of it. (in a really bad way) ==

8) You are a loner.

So... let's goes back to the days in school when we were innocent kids. Remember the little bullies we may have encountered? Well, so you may have done nothing and unknowingly, being outcast just because they do not like your face? But do note that bullies are usually insecure kids who need to be in-charge. So here's goes... this is something happening everywhere in the corporate as well.

Thought we have all grown-up and move on? Guess time freeze for these people since this is something they tend to do. So, they will be the Queen Bee or King of the Lions whom will required a group of faithful followers and for some strange reasons, they always get the followers!! (Seriously, are people so DESPERATE to be a groupie??!!)

Anyway, so again, if your face displeasure them, you are on the chopping board. So what to do? Endure. (For some, refer to pointer two)

9) Hold your temper

I know... and I am speaking from experiences... 

You may have (okay, I mean every part of your body) the desire to kick, slap, box these people. However, nothing can be solved physically. Trust me. Nothing. It only gives them a super good opportunity to cry victim. (another good chance to gain more followers)

This gives you nothing but endless cold treatment from others and you will become a loner/sinner/bully. In reality, we know what's going on. Just that no one to support you as no one dare to be seen as your supporter in fear of being outcast as well. T.T

10) Hey, There's Karma!!

Love it or hate it!

What's goes around comes around. Please have strong belief in this!

It may not happen immediately but it will happen one fine day. Who knows? It may happen the very next minute.

From experience (again), one of these people I know got her (yes, it's a SHE) got her own medicine after years of stabbing others. It's a pity I have no videos to post here. (Okay, stop being mean!!)

So, endure....

Well, the above are some of the pointers to be shared to many out there who have to endure people similar to AS. You are not alone!

People may call you sensitive but do tell yourself to hold on! 

One fine day, the truth will be out. There is no paper in the world that fire will not burn through.


... DeLiCaTiOn ♥


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

* Best Viewed on Mozilla Firefox *
* Screen Size: 1280 X 800 *

... StOrY ♥

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in her own secret world,
A hidden thought, A hidden secret,
A girl who dreams too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
Looking at the person of my dream,
But he don't even notice me,
He's there waiting for the one he truely love,

And I want him too know,
If he lose his way,
I won't let him go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will he notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will he notice me?

... MeLoDy ♥

 photo IMG_99814091631893.jpeg

+ PuRpLe Lavender +
+ Hotohori Sirius +
+ MiNtyfLaKe +
+ AuTuMn +
+ Xue Lun +
+ Sept 04 +
+ Virgo +

|| tHe SePtEmBeR sToRy ||

... sEaRcHiNg ♥

+ Email +

+ Facebook +

... LoVeS ♥

+ Fuuron aka Wind +
+ Hotohori +
+ Sirius +

... PaSsiOnAtE ♥

+ Mint +
+ Ice-Cream +
+ Desserts +
+ Writing +
+ Dreaming +
+ Glazing +
+ Reading +
+ Swimming +
+ Shopping +
+ Chatting +
+ Traveling +
+ Movies +
+ Music +
+ Autumn +
+ Winter +
+ Spring +
+ SnowFlakes +
+ Stars +
+ Windchimes +
+ Music Box +
+ Snow Globe +
+ Jigsaw Puzzle +
+ Turtle +
+ Stuff Animals +
+ White Roses +
+ Sunflowers +
+ Hydrangea +
+ Fiction Books +
+ Animations +
+ Comics +

... ThOuGhtS ♥

+ Open, Design, Decorate +
[my own cafe]
+ Save $$$, Strike Lucky Draws +
+ Find my destiny ONE +
[praying hard its really WIND]
+ Get My Desired Certificate +
+ New Handphone +
+ A Showcase +
[display My DarlingxXx]
+ All Round Tour In Austrialia +
+ Eastern Europe +
+ USA +
+ Make A Trip to
Barcelona - Spain +

+ DesiGn My Space With Wind +

... bReEzE ♥

Juz walk beside me...
I will be there for U...
alwayxXx... I pRoMiSe...

... RhYtHm ♥

Music Playlist
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

... mApLe ♥

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