Tuesday, June 28, 2011 11:11 PM

i never look forward to a date that much ever!! especially that date = fair is flooding in!!

this is seriously the craziest project ever!!!

it's not that tough...

it's really down to the main organizer for well... being here and there and into pieces... and.. those nutties.. i only can get rid of them officially after Jul 06 and i damm looking forward to that day.. depsite another tsunami of fairs falling directly on me.. fairs are "fun" in a way... but those crazy ppl..........

i rather they disappear for the good of all human being!!!

GAMBATE~~~~~~~~~~ 加油加油加油!!!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011 9:17 PM

There are a LORRY of fucking bitches in my working place and it's fucking irritating to work with them...

everything tends to push to others.. got problems other to take care and blame for.. they behaved like pets and tends to "work" hard when bosses are around.. pls la... if u r really that hard-working, why the need to prove and show it????

if u r that capable.. sure enough, you won't even consider to "pretend"... if u really feel there's nth further for you in a company.. u sure to leave... right?? it's plain logic!

these bitches... are here to create nth but trouble(S)!

They think they r good, but they aren't...

and ppl are juz too blind to see it! argh!!!!!!

if they see this.. too bad... coz it's my personal blog and it's FREE SPEECH!!! plus.. i din mentioned who's the bitches , so if you offended... den.. it's NOT my fault!! lolxxx

Friday, June 03, 2011 9:58 AM

Bloody hell!!!

it's not ME who is "forcing" all of you to handle to AIA project!!!!

i personally also super unwilling to deal with all these ppl!!!!

why do i need to resort to "beg" of all u to meet and work on it when i have a pile of unfinished work as well!!!

am i very free????? do u think i am very free??????

STOP thinking for your ownself and not others!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's so bloody sick to see all of your faces giving me those why i have to do it look!

do i wanna do it? NO!
do i have to do it? YES!
do i have a choice? NO!
do i complain as much? NO!
do i have complains? YES!

so... stop saying u r the one working that hsard when we all are equally doing the same!!!!!!!!!

this is damm ass frustrating!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011 5:12 PM



有没有搞错! 到底书读到哪里去了??????




我们这里的人TRY了这么多次都没problem,一到你们那;problems 竟然堆积如山!!!






但好心没好报,KBKB 之后我再给你extra discount。。。 高兴了吧!

可是,你却不知足,跟我们吵翻天。。。 原因不为什么,就为了airline taxes!!

你奶奶的!taxes 起价关我们屁事啊!


现在taxes officially 起了,关我们他妈的什么事啊!

有钱买semi-D,就不要为了这种咚咚吵翻天!小心报应! 就好你的semi-D 排水系统出问题!!!!

... DeLiCaTiOn ♥


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

* Best Viewed on Mozilla Firefox *
* Screen Size: 1280 X 800 *

... StOrY ♥

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in her own secret world,
A hidden thought, A hidden secret,
A girl who dreams too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
Looking at the person of my dream,
But he don't even notice me,
He's there waiting for the one he truely love,

And I want him too know,
If he lose his way,
I won't let him go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will he notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will he notice me?

... MeLoDy ♥

 photo IMG_99814091631893.jpeg

+ PuRpLe Lavender +
+ Hotohori Sirius +
+ MiNtyfLaKe +
+ AuTuMn +
+ Xue Lun +
+ Sept 04 +
+ Virgo +

|| tHe SePtEmBeR sToRy ||

... sEaRcHiNg ♥

+ Email +

+ Facebook +

... LoVeS ♥

+ Fuuron aka Wind +
+ Hotohori +
+ Sirius +

... PaSsiOnAtE ♥

+ Mint +
+ Ice-Cream +
+ Desserts +
+ Writing +
+ Dreaming +
+ Glazing +
+ Reading +
+ Swimming +
+ Shopping +
+ Chatting +
+ Traveling +
+ Movies +
+ Music +
+ Autumn +
+ Winter +
+ Spring +
+ SnowFlakes +
+ Stars +
+ Windchimes +
+ Music Box +
+ Snow Globe +
+ Jigsaw Puzzle +
+ Turtle +
+ Stuff Animals +
+ White Roses +
+ Sunflowers +
+ Hydrangea +
+ Fiction Books +
+ Animations +
+ Comics +

... ThOuGhtS ♥

+ Open, Design, Decorate +
[my own cafe]
+ Save $$$, Strike Lucky Draws +
+ Find my destiny ONE +
[praying hard its really WIND]
+ Get My Desired Certificate +
+ New Handphone +
+ A Showcase +
[display My DarlingxXx]
+ All Round Tour In Austrialia +
+ Eastern Europe +
+ USA +
+ Make A Trip to
Barcelona - Spain +

+ DesiGn My Space With Wind +

... bReEzE ♥

Juz walk beside me...
I will be there for U...
alwayxXx... I pRoMiSe...

... RhYtHm ♥

Music Playlist
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

... mApLe ♥

Designer: bw0kensmile-x
Image Hosting: photobucket.com
Tagboard: shoutmix.com
Music: mixpod.com