Sunday, June 28, 2009 5:21 PM

went to the asia museum the other day with xuan xuan...

had a nice time looking and understanding all the 'kangxi' stuffs in the special exhibition area...

after we left... we decided to venture at the other galleries coz the museum is opened till 12am, there were still tons of ppl and it's FREE!!!

however... when we entered gallery 4... thankfully there were other humans in there as well...

i had this creepy feeling that there were also 'others' with us... went all round the gallery and well... they seem to be nice spirit but still i asked xuan to move on thus no to disturb them...

we were strolling in the middle gallery (i forgot which it is... but it displayed some of the thai and others culture stuffs) and we wanna get to the chinese gallery which we din see where the entrances are despite after consulting the map several times...

i noticed that the only way to get into the chinese gallery is through the doors we were at..

as we were walking and finding the entrances.. i noticed gallery 5 and for god knows what reason.. i went into it despite it does not link to the chinese gallery....

and............. from the moment we both stepped in... both of us (YES.. xuan xuan as well) felt so uncomfortable as if we had stepped into a forbiddened place...

we were both very sure there were chantings played inside that gallery and i felt a strong pressure pushing me to one of the area...

xuan xuan told me later she was quite surprised i did not mentioned anything or wanting to leave immediatey after we went in...

the truth was.. till now.. i still canot understand why i din step out but followed the strange feeling to turn into the 'praying' area...

believe or not.. the moment i saw the place.. (there's a tiny entrance that link to the opposite side of the room)... my mind told me to walk across that area but my heart made me took 2 steps backwards...

following my heart.. i grabbed hold of xuan and left the gallery with her as normal and as fast as both our legs can carried.. when i was nearly out of the gallery.. i felt a force or a hand brush across my neck harshly... not knowing whether it was meant to be playfully or purposely.. i hope i did not offend anything inside...

till to date.. i still cannot understand what made me walk into the area instead of stepping out of the gallery...

i had encounters wither several 'others' before but that was the first time in singapore that i met such strong and powerful ones... even though the scariest one was the one i met in classic place hotel in bangkok...

maybe.. the spirits are very restless as there were so many ppl disturbing their place coz the museum seldom opened till such late hours...

well... it's one to believe there are more than living things on this planet... but never ever tried to deny there's things unexplainable by science ....

Saturday, June 20, 2009 9:38 PM

作詞:阿沁 作曲:阿沁 編曲:黃中岳

當你決定 你要離開我 
我沒有說什麼 就當作你自由

有好幾次 我都想挽留 
苦求也沒有用 就當作是寂寞

只有我能明白 他的溫柔 
只想要告訴我 誰是你的最愛

※其實你很愛他 對我的懲罰 
說你沒有想他 是可憐我吧
我已沒有藉口 只能放手 
不能奢求 你說愛我

#其實你很愛他 他很溫柔嗎 
其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 摀住耳朵 
不想再次聽到你說 你很愛她(你很愛她)

Sunday, June 14, 2009 7:13 PM

it's june 14... 7.13pm....

about 12 hours later... i will be starting my new position with the new company..

throughout these 4 months of staying at home .. i did some serious thinking about my life and other things...

realize a lot of things that can be prevent from happening and realize that i should start treasuring the time i have left on this earth....

no ones know what will happen the next minute of their life....

i know for sure i wanna travel to places i never been and enjoy as much of ife as possible.. BUT... back to reality... everything need $$$...

without $$$... everything is limited and out of reach....

choosing this company may not be my ideal choice but it's still a good choice compared to the others... well that may be a little early to tell but i hope it will not make me regret choosing...

thinking.. every career path i chose... there's a fren who always be there to accompany me...

from cbt to nus.. there's always someone...

this is the only time.... where i choose a full time position which there's no one i know and i have to restart the mode of knowing ppl...

regardless all the hurt and sadness that happened during those months.. i hope i will be able to endure the hardships and enjoy the fruit of success in the near future....

*cross my fingers and hope things will turn out better*

Saturday, June 13, 2009 6:33 PM

This is a song I heard from a tv drama... It's a really lovely and sentimental song which I surprising only from recently from the net....

maybe years ago i totally dunno how to search for songs from the net (opps.. isn't that very illegal! *U din see anything* lolxxx)

I tried to find the song with MTV however... the closest I could find is this one...

enjoy and feel with the song....

oh.. my favourite part of this song is the background music.. u may have heard it in several dramas/movies....

词:陈耀川、李安修 曲:陈耀川 编曲:Ricky Ho

总在倾盆大雨的夜里 独自走在黑夜里
往事一幕一幕又想起 你的笑还在心底

爱是不由自主的东西 将你我分隔两地
好想活在有你的梦里 情愿一生梦不醒

在这茫茫人海里 谁懂我为你伤心
我的爱早已绝提不能自己 无边无际涌向你
我是真的好想你 我是真的好爱你
你若只能在梦里 就让我梦不醒

爱是不由自主的东西 将你我分隔两地
好想活在有你的梦里 情愿一生梦不醒

在这茫茫人海里 谁懂我为你伤心
我的爱早已绝提不能自己 无边无际涌向你
我是真的好想你 我是真的好爱你
你若只能在梦里 就让我梦不醒

Friday, June 12, 2009 1:28 PM


作词:厉曼婷 作曲:赖雨辰

我是在什么时候 让你闯入我的世界为所欲为 直到已无路可退
你对我肆意哄骗 谎言说得天花乱坠 破绽百出你也无所谓

廉价的激情香水蒸发以后 还剩什么值得回味 空洞的近乎可悲
我甚至无力理会 你把爱情偷渡给谁 反正梦已被摧毁

我为爱犯了罪 代价是我的泪 悔恨的心情每天要来去好几回
你彻夜不归 我辗转难眠 不甘心失去被爱的滋味

我为了爱犯了罪 错误已难挽回 阳光再不曾洒进我黑色的房内
戒不了思念 断不掉慰藉 说穿了是我给你机会 让我心碎

Saturday, June 06, 2009 10:15 PM

作詞:許常德 作曲:郭子 編曲:錢幽蘭

在鏡子前面 我是個被愛的女人
他站在門外 這個週末我可以依賴在他的胸懷

在情人面前 我還是單身的女人

為什麼被愛 有時卻覺得悲哀
為什麼相愛 日子卻仍然空白
為什麼你 走不到我的未來

讓愛固定下來 我不會永遠青春可愛
讓愛固定下來 我和你 不要不要分開
* 我不是每次失戀後都能重新再來 *

Tuesday, June 02, 2009 4:47 PM

Out of the blue... i wanna/reminded of this song and man.. it so express what i am thinking at the moment or rather what i have been feeling recently....

maybe walking/running away may not be a good idea... but believe me... sometimes... out of the situation will helps to see things clearer and yes... i no longer believes as written in the lyrics.. fairy tales...

many gals grow up hoping to be 'Cinderella' one day.. but hello... there is NO prince charming riding his damm white horse waiting at the dance for u to drop yr glass slipper and seek high and low for u... dun live in fairy land...

in reality.. guys are animals who uses their basic instincts which well.. their lower part of their body to think around 80% of the day....

so why seek love when there is no love but lust and lies which will wither away after a period of time....

Britney Spears

I used to be your girlfriend and I know I did it well
Oh yes you know its true
You'd call me Cinderella
All you had to do was yell
And I'd be there for you

Here I am
So try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tales
Here we are with nothing but honesty
I've had enough
I'm not gonna stay

I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry I've already made my wish
Oh, But Cinderellas got to go

From time to time I'd try to tell just what was on my mind.
You'd tell me not today.
Come back, do that.
Wheres, Cinderella at...
Was all you had to say

Here I am, so try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tales
here we are with nothing but honesty
i've had..enough...i'm not gonna stay

I'm sorry for running away like this 'n i'm sorry
i've already made my wish. Ah, but cinderella's
got to go

i'm sorry just tryin' to live my life
don't worry, you're gonna be alright
but cinderellas got to go.


I used to say I want you, you cast me in your spell.
I did everything you wanted me to, but now i shall..
break free from all your lies. I won't be blind you see,
my love it can't be sacrificed, i won't return to thee.

I'm so sorry, i've already made up my mind

I won't return to thee

I'm sorry to say, i'm runnin' away now...
don't worry, you will be alright

i'm runnin' away, i've made up my mind now..
your gonna have to let me go

I'm sorry for runnin' away like this, and I'm
sorry I've already made my wish
Oh, but cinderella's got to go
I'm sorry, just tryin' to live my life, don't worry,
your going to be alright!
but cinderella's got to go.

... DeLiCaTiOn ♥


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

* Best Viewed on Mozilla Firefox *
* Screen Size: 1280 X 800 *

... StOrY ♥

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in her own secret world,
A hidden thought, A hidden secret,
A girl who dreams too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
Looking at the person of my dream,
But he don't even notice me,
He's there waiting for the one he truely love,

And I want him too know,
If he lose his way,
I won't let him go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will he notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will he notice me?

... MeLoDy ♥

 photo IMG_99814091631893.jpeg

+ PuRpLe Lavender +
+ Hotohori Sirius +
+ MiNtyfLaKe +
+ AuTuMn +
+ Xue Lun +
+ Sept 04 +
+ Virgo +

|| tHe SePtEmBeR sToRy ||

... sEaRcHiNg ♥

+ Email +

+ Facebook +

... LoVeS ♥

+ Fuuron aka Wind +
+ Hotohori +
+ Sirius +

... PaSsiOnAtE ♥

+ Mint +
+ Ice-Cream +
+ Desserts +
+ Writing +
+ Dreaming +
+ Glazing +
+ Reading +
+ Swimming +
+ Shopping +
+ Chatting +
+ Traveling +
+ Movies +
+ Music +
+ Autumn +
+ Winter +
+ Spring +
+ SnowFlakes +
+ Stars +
+ Windchimes +
+ Music Box +
+ Snow Globe +
+ Jigsaw Puzzle +
+ Turtle +
+ Stuff Animals +
+ White Roses +
+ Sunflowers +
+ Hydrangea +
+ Fiction Books +
+ Animations +
+ Comics +

... ThOuGhtS ♥

+ Open, Design, Decorate +
[my own cafe]
+ Save $$$, Strike Lucky Draws +
+ Find my destiny ONE +
[praying hard its really WIND]
+ Get My Desired Certificate +
+ New Handphone +
+ A Showcase +
[display My DarlingxXx]
+ All Round Tour In Austrialia +
+ Eastern Europe +
+ USA +
+ Make A Trip to
Barcelona - Spain +

+ DesiGn My Space With Wind +

... bReEzE ♥

Juz walk beside me...
I will be there for U...
alwayxXx... I pRoMiSe...

... RhYtHm ♥

Music Playlist
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

... mApLe ♥

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