Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:47 AM

YES!!!!! i finally watched twilight!!!!

all tks to martin who decided to catch the movie after i mentioned i wanna watch and i almost complate reading the whole series... well... kinda like our last movie till he comes back from UK....

i really wanna give credits to the plot designer.... it makes me easier to visualize everything... haha.... but i still think the book is better as it is in better details plus Edward is cuter and funnier in the book... heheee.....

but i like the guy who act Jasper... OMG.. it's like WOW... a big difference from the Jasper i imagine in the book.. the movie one is way better.. strange i actually love seeing the scene with Alice and Jasper.... haha... they r juz so right....

i think my fav scene is the one Edward brought Bella home and everyone (almost everyone) is making a meal specially for her till Edward announced she already eaten and Rosalia was so pissed off she actually crushed the bowl... haha...

a bit sad that martin dun understand the show and think it's kind of silly.. had to explain to him till i gave up...

anyway.. throughout the movie.. there was this GAL sitting beside me and i seriously think she thought the place is her house or sth... she sat with her legs folded onto the seat and her damm leg kept touching and kicking my tight. i know im big.. but i'm not that big!!!! i sat so still in my seat and made sure i was within my seat in case u know la.. i cross the line.. but NO.. she was the one crossing with her constant kicking. i told martin and he on purpose irritated them by saying loudly why not we all fold leg on chair...

haha.... den that gal juz put down her leg but after awhile.. she repeated the whole process.. my advice to her.. either stay at home or grab a corner seat next time.. no one like smelly feet touching them!!!

got home really late last night... it's save mt cab cost as martin drove me home... tired... still have to pack somemore and catch a morning plane tomolo...

oh.. martin confirmed he will be sending me off since when he flys to UK, i will still be in hong kong....

shit.. i so tired.. only less den 3 hours of sleep leh.. should have taken leave today!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh................. ZZZzzzzZzZZzzzzzZzZzzz..........

Monday, December 22, 2008 5:07 PM



很多人對處女座的女人有著傳統、純潔、保守的印象。就像古時侯養在深宅大院的黃花大閨女。關於這一點我們可得要修正一下。(hehe... dun assume ar....)

處女座的女性比較含蓄害羞是沒錯的,你幾乎無法看到一個處女座的女人在大庭廣眾大聲喧嘩,或是作出誇張的粗俗的動作。他們很細緻,很像個大家閨秀的樣子。至於是否純潔、傳統、保守,那就得看你對這些形容詞如何解釋了。(haha... so NOT me!!!)

處女座的女人雖然不會是女性運動的發啟者,但也絕不會傳統盲目的接受一些不合理的安排。她雖然很少大聲疾呼,但內心卻很有自已的主張,而且固執的很呢!對於愛情、婚姻,她當然十分尊重,同時她也會盡心盡力的付出。但是當認定了這是一段不值得眷戀的感情之後,她會義無反顧的轉身而去。平時的她,看起來總有一種寧靜安詳的氣質,但請不要因此而忽略她絕頂冷靜、實際的頭腦。(heard that.. dun piss me off wor...)

處女座的女子往往會傳達出一股自我壓抑的氣氛。這對許多男性來說,反到是一種特殊的吸引力。不過你千萬不要用過度熱情的方式追求她,粗俗的求愛行動會把她嚇跑的。處女座的女人的確會壓抑自已的情緒,但是她絕對不是沒有情緒。只是你必須要有耐性罷了。尋找到理想中愛情的處女座女子,是非常熱情而且浪漫的。這一點肯定值得你期待。(crap... i anything also can de.....)

你一定聽說過,她是個完美主義者,一切事情都要求盡善盡美。處女座的女人實在很難忍受一個粗心大意笨手笨腳的人。還好她不是個喜歡要求別人幫忙的人,多數的時侯,她都會把自已的事情打理的妥妥貼貼,只是拜託你不要雞婆的去打擾她就行了。 (hmmm..... depend la.... i often like ppl to help leh....)

而至於你所做的事情,如果你要請教她意見的話,最好先有一點心理準備。處女座的女人總能在你認為一切完美的情況下挑出一大堆毛病來。真的,她們往往有著與生俱來的分析與批評能力。我認識一對夫妻,太太是處女座的,她的老公有一次告訴我說:「我們結婚快十年了,好像從來沒有做過任何事情是完全符合她的標準的。她總會在我剛打掃完的浴室裡找出一大堆頭髮。我剛洗過的碗上面發現油漬。我剛記完的帳上挑出錯誤。我學聰明了,這些事兒乾脆全拜託她了,省得自已嘔!」這一招倒是挺管用的,也正因為如此,處女座的女人往往給人一種辛勤工作的印象,反正,能者多勞嘛! (crap!!! i dun care how it is..... as long as i need not do the housework and the house is still presentable... i DUN CARE!!! )

不過,你最好要記得,不要隨便批評一個處女座女人。關於這一點她們的確是比較缺乏雅量的。在任何情況下,要她低頭認錯都是很困難的。或許你會覺得不公平,但是請你了解她嚴苛的自我要求已經對自已造成很大的壓力了,別人的批評她自然會受不了!其實她嘴上不承認,心裡可明白的很! (well... ermmm.... hmmmm... lalalalaaa...........)

不要對你的處女座情人訴說一大堆遙不可及的夢想,她要的可是真真實實的人生。你那些不夠實際的計劃,會被她批評的漏洞百出。結果只是你自已討沒趣而已。但憑良心說,當你真的遇到問題的時侯,處女座的女人是非常好的談話對象。她會非常樂意為你分憂解勞。同時,以她冷靜清晰的頭腦,幫你理出事情的頭緒。處女座的女人總是能以理性而且溫和的態度,扮演好一個賢內助的角色。 (nope... i always live in lala land.. more likely need to kick me into reality!)

你們的家會很乾淨,但也可能太乾淨了一些。我有個朋友說他最害怕請朋友到家裡去了,因為他那位處女座的太太總是五分鐘倒一次煙灰缸。要不就是把客人喝了還剩小半杯的咖啡,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度收走。只要是有人用過洗手間,她一定趕快進去清理一遍。弄得大家都十分的尷尬。當然,你的那位處女座小姐應該不至於那麼離譜。不過,你還是要有心理準備。她可能每天得花一兩個小時在浴室裡,從頭洗到腳,她可是一絲不苟,而且,她討厭你催她。 (RIGHT... SO NOT ME AGAIN..... am i the laziest virgo around?)

不要打亂她的生活秩序,處女座的女孩喜歡生活按部就班,如果你遲到、爽約,把她的時刻表弄得一團糟,她會非常生氣。當一個處女座女子生氣的時侯,她雖然不會張牙舞爪,但是她會一條條的數落你的罪狀,遣辭用句精準有力。而你唯一的辦法就是誠心認錯,別做無謂的辯駁。 (i won't go into details la.. but i will record it down and murder u on the spot....)

娶了她,你就有了一個一流的會計師。你的帳本會清清楚楚,分毫不差。她不會喜歡鬧情緒。她會把自已打理的整整齊齊,不讓自已變成黃臉婆。你每天下班回家,都會有熱騰騰的晚餐。至於你的一切煩腦,她都會樂於分擔,他會耐心的聽你訴苦、冷靜的為你分析。你知道她是個完美主義者,她會努力地做一個完美的妻子。 (ermmm... i dunno leh... more likely my hubby will be the one arranging and thinking and planning.. i will juz laze and rot around the house....)

因此,對於她那點吹毛求疵的毛病。和她要求你每天一定要洗澡的要求,你當然應該「欣然」的接受啦! (SHIT!!!! i so not a Virgo...... *check check* but my bdae on Virgo month leh.... !!!!)





9:44 AM

1.5 more days to go.... lalalaaaaa.........

Thursday, December 18, 2008 1:09 PM

i fell that i'm standing on the edge recently... it's been so long since i've been pacing my steps on the edge...

should i or should i not jump... it's so inviting.....

i can hardly push myself to be cheerful and happy nowadays.... it's so difficult and suffocating... i may as well kill myself off immediately.....

even when i'm gone.. no one will remember me... maybe for awhile but not for long... well.. i guess my parents will since i'm their only gal... but other den that..... i will be a lost fragment piece of memory in the mind of others....

i used to believe that eveyone comes to earth for a reason.... i still believe that.. well..i want to believe that... but... i dunno anymore...

fren can decided to walk out of your life when you r no longer needed for them...
colleauge can back stab u anytime and you have to have a strong will to endure and hold on to it...
ppl u trust... forget it... why trust ppl.... trust only yourself and what u believe in.. but wat i believe in seems to be not so believeable.......

i need a break... i nedd someone to pull me from the edge...i need a shoulder.. i need to find my reason of being here....

i love my parents but i dun feel a sense of security and belonging there... i only find that peace i want in my books and that's FICTION!!! which means it's not reality....

i wish i can sleep and not wake up forever....

before i jump... at least let me know the reason of me being here.... (other den being the connection between ppl)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:02 PM

insomnia for 4 nights plus old back injuries for the past 2 days....

even if i can endure... i seriously suspect i'm going insane sooner den i predict.... great.. just great.... =.=

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 4:57 PM

Virgo Ruling Planet

Ruling Planet: Mercury
Quality: Mutable
Element: EarthBasic
Trait: I Analyze
Closest Metal: Quicksilver
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Lucky Colors: Saffron Yellow and Azure Blue
Lucky Gems: Topaz, Agate and Aquamarine
Lucky Flowers: Lilies

The planet Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo zodiac. The same planet also rules the zodiac sign of Gemini. According to the Roman legend, Mercury was the winged Messenger God, who represented adaptability and made the best possible use of the available resources.

Individuals ruled by Mercury follow ideas and morals that resonate to what is popular at a given time. People born under the Virgo sun sign tend to be restless and cannot remain still or idle for a long time. Mercury is the planet of communication and wisdom and is associated chiefly with the mind.

Those ruled by the Mercury tend to use their intellect more than instincts and are youthful, jovial and very cheerful in nature, just like young kids. It is said that such individuals are experts at seeing through other's intentions and force them to re-examine their personal attitudes and beliefs.

The planet Mercury symbolizes easy flow, instead of rigidity, and represents new beginnings and changes. Mercury is associated with the intellect, thought processes, nervous system and thyroid gland in a human body. Mercury is also related to lilies, hazelnut trees, walnuts, carrots, parrots, greyhounds and monkeys.

The metal that is associated with Mercury is Quicksilver. Topaz, Agate and Aquamarine are the semi-precious stones related with the planet and they are also considered as lucky stones for those ruled by it.

Their lucky day in a week is Wednesday.
The special or lucky colors connected with Mercury are saffron yellow, azure blue and the color of sparkle of sunlight upon water.

Monday, December 08, 2008 3:18 PM

Your birthday means that you love the sun and the beach.

Your best colors are red and yellow. You tend to have many friends and you are well-liked, possible because of your outgoing and sunny personality. You are a very positive and enthusiastic person. Shopping is likely something you enjoy very much, not just for yourself, but for other people as well. You shine at parties and get togethers, and you are definitely an extrovert.

Monday, December 01, 2008 11:02 AM

Went to this Cafe @ Orchard with xuan Xuan for lunch on Sunday (November 30, 2008) ans was totally disgusted by some diners sitting behind our table.

This family of three... ever since they sat down at thweir table. i noticed some things about them... the father was wearing slippers with trousers looked alike pants with pink shirt tucked out.

okie.. the cafe is not super high class but at least wear sth not so typically uncle can???

so anyway... after they placed their orders and i happily was talking to Xuan Xuan.... noticed once again they were complaining bout sth which i did not know till when their food arrived.

As the cafe is quite packed with limited manpower, we should try to be as understanding as possible (which me and Xuan were or else we already killed the ppl there for leaving Xuan's Brownie Delight melting at the counter for 10mins b4 it was served to her!).

Well... that family either thinks they are demanding a lot of attention or they think they are in some places where the waiter/waitress serves you exclusively (is is a word? well.. u get what i trying to say... *i guess* ^^v) coz once their food arrived, and through common sense right, the waiter try to place the food to the right person and if the food is placed at the wrong place, we normally moved it ourselves unless it's a mega long/big table den we bobian ask waiter to help pass to correct person.

Anyway.. the poor waiter who served them placed a bowl of soup at the wife's end and it supposed to be served to the husband. logically, ppl pass themselves especially if the table is so small. GUESS WHAT? that stupid typically uncle asked the poor waiter to pass the soup (which i am assuming that uncle's hand is broken or sth) den demand a small plate den a bowl den a spoon den another thing and another and another ... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we all also sitting there waiting to be served, NOT only you & your family!!!!

so anyway.. after feeling somehow disgusted.. Xuan and me decided to ignore them. BUT!!! while we were in the mids of sth, realized that typically uncle asked for another waitress this time and you will not believe this!!!

they told the waitress the fish and chips ordered for their son (which i suspect should not be eating kids meal coz he was eating his parents' food at the same time!!!) is unfresh. being a super curious person, i glanced a bit see what had happened ... and to my horror, the plate collected by that poor waitress has nth left but a pathetic half eaten piece of fish and a pathetic pieces of fries. i confirmed i saw the original plate has 2-3 pieces of fishes and a whole chunk of fries on the plate... i can't believe they ate till left so pathetic amount of food den complaint that the food is not good and demand for a change.

as expected, the cafe exchanged another item for that irritating boy !!! ( i am so suspecting either he used to be a pig in previous life or he had not eaten for days coz he also pigging on hismparents food!!!!!!)

den they were saying they wanna called for bill and also their son's dessert which i was so happy coz finally they were going... but they made another comment and action that made me quite disgusted. they were talking among themselves whether the place accept credit card and they wife went to the counter to glance at the cashier and believe or not.... RUNS BACK HAPPILY AND ANNOUNCED QUITE LOUDLY that the cafe accept credit card.

as what Xuan said... financial downturn... ppl are getting cheapo and spend every single cent carefully.....

as what i said... if financial downturn... got problem with spending... den DUN anyhow spend OR be a CHEAPO and make yourself so disgrace in public...

whatever happened in the end we not very sure as by that time, Xuan and me had went directly to the cashier and made payment coz there's no point asking for the bill from our table coz the cafe really shorthanded and there's queue waiting outside. but all i know, thay typically uncle got someone for bill and got his pigging son's dessert.

oh.. you muz be asking.. what about the wife?

well... after she made the announcement about the credit card, she left the cafe alone telling her husband: "Dear, call me when you left."

This is that disgusting family~~~ the table very big hor~~~

Typical uncle + the pigging son


Oh.. the other day i went to starbucks at compass point to order a drink coz my damm blood sugar dropped again!!! as they have a really good mint frappacino last xmas... and i noticed there's no poster to intro that drink this year, i checked with the counter whether they have the mint frappacino thsi year and sadly.. this year they are introducing cherry mocha. the ppl at the counter super friendly n asked me whether i wanna try but i told them it's okie and give me a large iced vallina latte with do. one of the gals asked me was the mint frappacino nice and i said it was really good.

so anyway... i waited for my drink (at that time got this irritating auntie also waiting for her drink and she actually pushed me away from the waiting table~~~ she stands there her drink also will not come first what!!!) and the guy who made the drink announced the collection for : LARGE ICED MINT VALLINA LATTE. i was slightly confused and approached the guy and asked him to repeat again. confirming it sounded like mine but not mine, i apologized and waited back like a good gal. BUT.. that guy give me a knowing smile and asked for my receipt which i passed to him without a clue what was going on. the guy passed me back the receipt and confirmed that the Iced MINT vallina latte was mine!!! i took the drink and was still shocked when i left the place with the staffs there smiling and wishing me a good day and enjoy the drink!!!

OMG!!! it's really sweet of them to add in the extra mint FOC when i din even asked for another.

This is what we called 'the extra mile' in customer service. it's really sweet and it did make my day!!!!

LOTS of appreciation to the staffs @ CompassPoint Starbucks

This is the Iced Mint Vallina Latte (of coz you can't see the mint la!!)

... DeLiCaTiOn ♥


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

* Best Viewed on Mozilla Firefox *
* Screen Size: 1280 X 800 *

... StOrY ♥

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in her own secret world,
A hidden thought, A hidden secret,
A girl who dreams too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
Looking at the person of my dream,
But he don't even notice me,
He's there waiting for the one he truely love,

And I want him too know,
If he lose his way,
I won't let him go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will he notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will he notice me?

... MeLoDy ♥

 photo IMG_99814091631893.jpeg

+ PuRpLe Lavender +
+ Hotohori Sirius +
+ MiNtyfLaKe +
+ AuTuMn +
+ Xue Lun +
+ Sept 04 +
+ Virgo +

|| tHe SePtEmBeR sToRy ||

... sEaRcHiNg ♥

+ Email +

+ Facebook +

... LoVeS ♥

+ Fuuron aka Wind +
+ Hotohori +
+ Sirius +

... PaSsiOnAtE ♥

+ Mint +
+ Ice-Cream +
+ Desserts +
+ Writing +
+ Dreaming +
+ Glazing +
+ Reading +
+ Swimming +
+ Shopping +
+ Chatting +
+ Traveling +
+ Movies +
+ Music +
+ Autumn +
+ Winter +
+ Spring +
+ SnowFlakes +
+ Stars +
+ Windchimes +
+ Music Box +
+ Snow Globe +
+ Jigsaw Puzzle +
+ Turtle +
+ Stuff Animals +
+ White Roses +
+ Sunflowers +
+ Hydrangea +
+ Fiction Books +
+ Animations +
+ Comics +

... ThOuGhtS ♥

+ Open, Design, Decorate +
[my own cafe]
+ Save $$$, Strike Lucky Draws +
+ Find my destiny ONE +
[praying hard its really WIND]
+ Get My Desired Certificate +
+ New Handphone +
+ A Showcase +
[display My DarlingxXx]
+ All Round Tour In Austrialia +
+ Eastern Europe +
+ USA +
+ Make A Trip to
Barcelona - Spain +

+ DesiGn My Space With Wind +

... bReEzE ♥

Juz walk beside me...
I will be there for U...
alwayxXx... I pRoMiSe...

... RhYtHm ♥

Music Playlist
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

... mApLe ♥

Designer: bw0kensmile-x
Image Hosting: photobucket.com
Tagboard: shoutmix.com
Music: mixpod.com