Tuesday, January 08, 2008 4:53 PM


haha.. so long since i updated and greet my new year greeting ....

anyway.. .. ehad redo my hair..

did digital perm color red (bright blood red) --> now change color liao =.=''' and also do treatment to my hair..... after discount.. cost about 370 bucks

worth it ba.. but really not used to not combing my hair... strange and have this feeling that all my hair very tangle together.. hahahaaa...

errrrrr....... sch started... killing month... 2 weddings to attend...

thus.... MY RESOLUTION THIS YEAR IS TO>>>>>> find my mr right who loves me as ME!!! hahaaa.. waiting long long ar.... wait for 2.5yrs still yet to happen.. i strongly suspect i've CURSE!!! >.<

anyway... work is slow.... slow.. slow... as slow as snail... but when there's work to be done.. we all go nuts.....

kit coming.... NO... kit IS IN SIN NOW!!! YIPPIE!!! my life long fren since pri sch..... meeting her tomolo or dinner.. if i dun have work.. will meet her for whole day.. too bad.. sadded...

argh... so many assignment for sch.. this module kinda very very busy...

oh.. got results for steve's module liao.. got a LOW 'D'.. nvm.. at least it's still a 'D'... (right???)

working hard on my story... but reviews seem slow this few weeks.... (praying praying praying)

great.. i'm really lazy to phrase all my lines properly.. time to practise...

i admit... i'm lazy.. dun care.. watever.....



... DeLiCaTiOn ♥


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

* Best Viewed on Mozilla Firefox *
* Screen Size: 1280 X 800 *

... StOrY ♥

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in her own secret world,
A hidden thought, A hidden secret,
A girl who dreams too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
Looking at the person of my dream,
But he don't even notice me,
He's there waiting for the one he truely love,

And I want him too know,
If he lose his way,
I won't let him go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will he notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will he notice me?

... MeLoDy ♥

 photo IMG_99814091631893.jpeg

+ PuRpLe Lavender +
+ Hotohori Sirius +
+ MiNtyfLaKe +
+ AuTuMn +
+ Xue Lun +
+ Sept 04 +
+ Virgo +

|| tHe SePtEmBeR sToRy ||

... sEaRcHiNg ♥

+ Email +

+ Facebook +

... LoVeS ♥

+ Fuuron aka Wind +
+ Hotohori +
+ Sirius +

... PaSsiOnAtE ♥

+ Mint +
+ Ice-Cream +
+ Desserts +
+ Writing +
+ Dreaming +
+ Glazing +
+ Reading +
+ Swimming +
+ Shopping +
+ Chatting +
+ Traveling +
+ Movies +
+ Music +
+ Autumn +
+ Winter +
+ Spring +
+ SnowFlakes +
+ Stars +
+ Windchimes +
+ Music Box +
+ Snow Globe +
+ Jigsaw Puzzle +
+ Turtle +
+ Stuff Animals +
+ White Roses +
+ Sunflowers +
+ Hydrangea +
+ Fiction Books +
+ Animations +
+ Comics +

... ThOuGhtS ♥

+ Open, Design, Decorate +
[my own cafe]
+ Save $$$, Strike Lucky Draws +
+ Find my destiny ONE +
[praying hard its really WIND]
+ Get My Desired Certificate +
+ New Handphone +
+ A Showcase +
[display My DarlingxXx]
+ All Round Tour In Austrialia +
+ Eastern Europe +
+ USA +
+ Make A Trip to
Barcelona - Spain +

+ DesiGn My Space With Wind +

... bReEzE ♥

Juz walk beside me...
I will be there for U...
alwayxXx... I pRoMiSe...

... RhYtHm ♥

Music Playlist
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

... mApLe ♥

Designer: bw0kensmile-x
Image Hosting: photobucket.com
Tagboard: shoutmix.com
Music: mixpod.com