Monday, October 10, 2005 4:58 PM

hmmm.... time flies...
oh......... how i miss u......... my dear.............
how i love u...... when u r in my arms......
i simply love the time i am looking at u........
holding u with my hands...........
oh my dear ..........................................
dear......... dear.................. darling.....
darling............ sweet.............
$$$$$$!!!!!!!!! MONEY !!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
HURRY COME BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

easy enough for u to see through...

juz went for an interview with a company (dun wanna reveal that company name)
still waiting for an answer from the manager who is currently on leave.....

so hard to get a job that u will like n maybe enjoy these days.....

hmmm..... been thinking bout WIND for like every minutes of my day(s) .......
muz learn to "kick" him out of my mind...
can't let him keep disturbing my thoughts, can i ?
quite irritating sometimes...

been thinking bout the "past" with both jerks thanks to the evil tv drama(S)....
thanks god i had got both OUT of my peaceful life le...


look like a lot of the frenz i had that r from MARS r currently in NS.... poor ppl...
but think of it.. they dun have to worry bout jobs, money......
lucky ppl.....

recently, there's 2 huys from hk that visited singapore...
i got to be their tour guide for one day(consider 1/2 since they got onto a flight in the afternoon)...
wat hapened was...
the guys r shan's fren's frenz (hmmm... got wat i mean?)
and this shan's fren (okay, let call her Miss LW)..... i think...... is quite a desperato...
due to.....
(here's the story goes...)
that day, shan called me in the morning aasking whether i'm willing to join her as a tour guide for the hk guys.
i agreed for the following reasons:
(a) i wanna see how they look! (i'm a KPO!!)
(b) i had heard of them from shan as she met them the dae b4 coz Miss LW asked shan to join her.
(c) i wanna show them the 'real' singapore coz Miss LW and her other fren had been PIG HEADS to the hk guys!
(d) i had a feeling that sth more than i saw was happening... (more to this later)

so... i met shan and the hk guys, went to shan's house to show them wat spore flats look like(the hk guys wanna see)
den went for lunch.... go back shan's house collected the bags.... den took a cab to the airport..

okay... that juz wat happened on that dae.... but my point was...

since that dae Miss LW was working... she cannot go to the airport to bid farewells, hence she asked shan to help her buy a gift for the hk guys...
the only problem here is shan was nearly broke and she could hardly fork out her lunch money le... where will she got the extra cash to help Miss LW???
and since shan knows my impression for Miss LW is like __________. so, she din borrow cash from me.
well, although in the end we DID brought sth for the guys, but we din indicated Miss LW as the gift was damm cheap.
so it will look really cheapskate if it was shared by so many ppl.

the other fren of Miss LW was also at the airport... y can't she ask him to buy?

hmmm... so u see...
few days after the guys got back to hk...
Miss LW BOMB shan's hp ... demanding for an explanation y she din help her buy a gift, brought me with her to meet the guys AND worse.
accussing shan to be a desperato!!!!
look who toking here... the desperato!!!

i truely NEVER met a gal that is SO desperate for guys like Miss LW!!! really make me sick and ashamed!!!!
anyway..... as i was thinking things can't be much worse.....

the other dae... we had a dinner for KAS at my house .... after so, we played a game and out of the blue shan's hp rang,
she picked the call thinking it's her mom as her house number is a private line....
but guess who it turn out to be...

one of the hk guys!!! wahahahaaaaaa...

so, being "sweet" karen and i retreated out of the room accouncing that we would go and bring in the desserts, leaving shan private moments without our presence(s) ... wahahahaaaaa...

after the phone was hung up....
there's where things turn out so badly..

shan got information from the guy that Miss LW called him all the way from spore to hk!
toking for a long time (to rekindle their "frenship")..
look like Miss LW gonna got back a damm huge bill soon!

this really got my nerve!!!
i truely pleage that when i ever know any of my frenz that is so desperate for guys, i will slap her till she finally get a grip of herself!!!

this is really so shameful for women everywhere...
fancy throwing herself to guys due to desperation....

someone really gonna knock senses into Miss LW!!!

anyway gonna stop here now..
see ya .. ^.^v

... DeLiCaTiOn ♥


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

* Best Viewed on Mozilla Firefox *
* Screen Size: 1280 X 800 *

... StOrY ♥

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in her own secret world,
A hidden thought, A hidden secret,
A girl who dreams too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
Looking at the person of my dream,
But he don't even notice me,
He's there waiting for the one he truely love,

And I want him too know,
If he lose his way,
I won't let him go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will he notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will he notice me?

... MeLoDy ♥

 photo IMG_99814091631893.jpeg

+ PuRpLe Lavender +
+ Hotohori Sirius +
+ MiNtyfLaKe +
+ AuTuMn +
+ Xue Lun +
+ Sept 04 +
+ Virgo +

|| tHe SePtEmBeR sToRy ||

... sEaRcHiNg ♥

+ Email +

+ Facebook +

... LoVeS ♥

+ Fuuron aka Wind +
+ Hotohori +
+ Sirius +

... PaSsiOnAtE ♥

+ Mint +
+ Ice-Cream +
+ Desserts +
+ Writing +
+ Dreaming +
+ Glazing +
+ Reading +
+ Swimming +
+ Shopping +
+ Chatting +
+ Traveling +
+ Movies +
+ Music +
+ Autumn +
+ Winter +
+ Spring +
+ SnowFlakes +
+ Stars +
+ Windchimes +
+ Music Box +
+ Snow Globe +
+ Jigsaw Puzzle +
+ Turtle +
+ Stuff Animals +
+ White Roses +
+ Sunflowers +
+ Hydrangea +
+ Fiction Books +
+ Animations +
+ Comics +

... ThOuGhtS ♥

+ Open, Design, Decorate +
[my own cafe]
+ Save $$$, Strike Lucky Draws +
+ Find my destiny ONE +
[praying hard its really WIND]
+ Get My Desired Certificate +
+ New Handphone +
+ A Showcase +
[display My DarlingxXx]
+ All Round Tour In Austrialia +
+ Eastern Europe +
+ USA +
+ Make A Trip to
Barcelona - Spain +

+ DesiGn My Space With Wind +

... bReEzE ♥

Juz walk beside me...
I will be there for U...
alwayxXx... I pRoMiSe...

... RhYtHm ♥

Music Playlist
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

... mApLe ♥

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